August 27, 2020

In August of 2020, Holston and Garner IT earned the prestigious CompTIA Managed Services TRUSTMARK

In August of 2020, Holston and Garner IT earned the prestigious CompTIA Managed Services TRUSTMARK

Only 109 companies in the nation had earned this award when CompTIA presented it to Holston and Garner IT.

Here is CompTIA’s own description of this designation:

IT companies that have earned a CompTIA Trustmark have been through a review and validation process covering their agreements, standard operating procedures, tools and technology, personnel, and other best practices identified by the industry. What this means is that a CompTIA Trustmark holder can do what they say they can, do it to your satisfaction, and be there for you when emergencies arise.

Just as you would insist your accountant be certified, or your plumber be bonded and insured, or your taxi driver be current on her license and testing; you should insist your IT service provider carry an independent validation. After all, you are allowing them access to everything about your company, your customers, your employees, your intellectual property, and other private and sensitive information. Would you let an unlicensed mechanic open your hood? Then why let an unlicensed IT provider open your network?

Leverage CompTIA’s Work
We’ve done the business and technology vetting so you can focus on the relationship. No matter how qualified a service provider may be a personal relationship should lay the foundation of the business relationship. This isn’t to suggest you should only work with friends. It means that trust and transparency will forge a relationship that will weather storms. CompTIA Trustmarks are a great way to establish that foundation of trust and transparency.

For the full story on this award, click here.

For a directory of all companies who have earned this distinction, click here.

