Tag: Malware and Virus Protection

How to Spot Holiday Scams

How to Spot Holiday Scams

techeagles@ezadmin | December 15, 2022

There are scammers out there, and they make sure to put in overtime during this time of year. We are all in danger of being tricked by scammers, but with a few tips and a little guidance, you can help…


Windtalker Attack May Get Personal Info from Mobile Wifi

holstonit | November 29, 2016

There’s a new attack vector to be worried about called “Windtalker.” It allows a hacker to take control of a WiFi hotspot and reverse-engineer keystrokes made by users who are typing via their touchscreens. While that sounds like magic, there…


More Malware Threats Ahead For Web Enabled Devices

holstonit | November 28, 2016

If recent events are any indication, Botnets are going to be in the news a lot more in coming months. Less than a month ago, a massive army of hacked internet devices broke records when it attacked a French Internet…


FriendFinder Hack Exposes Almost Half A Billion Users

holstonit | November 26, 2016

The year of 2016 continues to break new records in terms of massive security breaches. According to LeakedSource, last month, hackers gained access to the FriendFinder Network, which includes the adult dating and swinger site, “Adult Friend Finder.” User accounts,…


Mobile Users Running Old IOS Versions Vulnerable To Fake Apps

holstonit | November 24, 2016

Back in the good ol’ days before the rise of the iPhone, Apple devices were largely considered to be more secure than their Wintel counterparts. There was a time when Apple used this as a major plank in their marketing…


Viruses Affecting Patient Care Hospitals Cause Shutdowns

holstonit | November 21, 2016

So far as is known, no hacking attack to date has resulted in death, but the day is inevitably coming. One day in the not-too-distant future, a hacker will be charged with murder, in addition to their other crimes. The…


Employees Ignore Security Policies At Alarming Rate Says New Study

holstonit | November 18, 2016

No matter how good, expensive or robust your security system is, your employees are always the weakest link. In fact, in some cases, your own policies might be pushing them to “rational noncompliance,” a situation in which your employees break…


Majority Of Employees Unsure How To Deal With Sensitive Information

holstonit | November 15, 2016

What percentage of your employees know how to properly handle sensitive information? The answer is “probably a lot less than you think.” In a recent survey conducted by MediaPro, it was discovered that nearly 90% of employees lacked security and…


More Medical Devices Under Attack, Some PaceMakers May Be Vulnerable

holstonit | November 7, 2016

The Internet of Things has been getting a lot of bad press in recent weeks. Not long ago, an army of enslaved smart devices was used to bring much of the internet in the United States to its knees for…


How Denial Of Service Attack Took Down Part Of The Internet

holstonit | November 5, 2016

You probably noticed that at various points during a day not long ago, you couldn’t get on the internet. If you could, a lot of the sites you’re used to visiting were simply unavailable for extended periods of time. The…
