July 10, 2018
Password Protection News Flash: People are STILL being lazy

80% of cyber-attacks involve weak passwords.1
- 55% of people use one password for all logins.1
- With a $300 graphics card, a hacker can run 420 billion simple, lowercase, eight-character password combinations per minute.1
1.) Inc.com contributing editor John Brandon
As a manager, you should be bothered by these statistics. There’s simply no excuse for using an easy-to-crack password, for you or your team. Instead, make a password out of four random common words, splicing in a few special characters for good measure (for example, red$shoelace$dairy5).
To check the strength of your password, type it into HowSecureIsMyPassword.net before you make it official.
To keep up with it all, we recommend storing your secrets at https://keepersecurity.com/