November 15, 2021
Our Clients Soar Like Eagles

Our clients soar like eagles because of wise investments in IT!
Eagles are the King of Birds. We help our clients leverage IT to be leaders in their industries.
We have a new name! This is ONLY a name change! Same owners, same amazing geeks.
“Tech Eagles” illustrates who we are as a company and how we strive to serve our clients.
Eagles are symbolic for freedom.
The Tech Eagles team is passionate about giving our clients the freedom to focus and get stuff done. Your hardware and software can be configured to minimize distractions and hassles, not add to them. That’s what we love to do.
Eagles fly high; they are the king of birds.
The Tech Eagles team flies high in our industry: we have earned the Security Trustmark+ credential from CompTIA. Fewer than 0.2% of IT service providers in the nation have received this distinction.
Eagles hunt with amazing accuracy and efficiency.
We do too. Our hunting ground is online; we look with eagle-eyes into the nooks and crannies where the bad guys like to do their dirty work. Many business owners become our clients by asking us to stop a cyberattack or clean up a data breach. We do that well, but of course our preference is to proactively prevent such attacks. We are honored to have such a long list of happy clients who trust us with their cybersecurity needs.